Tel: 416-759-0636

Life Insurance

Will your loved ones be taken care of if something happens to you? Contact us today to find out how you can ensure your family is covered if the unthinkable happens.

Protect Your Family

We offer a variety of life insurance coverage tailored to your needs and the needs of your family.

Start Your Quote

    Personal Information

    First Name

    Last Name

    Date of Birth




    My Health Is:

    Do you have a spouse? YesNo

    Spouse First Name

    Spouse Last Name

    Spouse Date of Birth

    Spouse Occupation

    My Spouse's Health Is:

    Home Phone (required)

    Mobile Phone (required)

    Preferred Contact Method

    Home PhoneCell PhoneEmail

    Combined Household Income

    Between $25K-$45KBetween $50K-$85KOver $100K

    Dependent Information

    Do you have any dependents? YesNo

    People Financially Dependent on you.


    Do you have any children? YesNo

    Number of Children

    If not now, are you planning to have children in the next 5 years?






    Are you currently taking any medication? YesNo

    If yes, please list your medications.

    Do you have a family doctor? YesNo

    If yes, enter your doctor's name.

    When was your last visit to your GP?

    Do you currently have life insurance? YesNo

    If yes, how much coverage?

    Do you currently have critical illness coverage? YesNo

    If yes, how much coverage?

    Do you currently have disability coverage? YesNo

    If yes, what is your monthly benefit?

    Do you plan to travel outside North America in the next 12 months? YesNo

    If yes, where will you be traveling?

    Reach Us

    Contact us today for a FREE quote.

    835 O’Conner Drive
    Toronto, ON M4B 2S7

    Tel: 416-759-0636

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